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Writer's pictureBeauty X Bloom

REVAMP December 2024

Hey Bloomers!

For everything there is a season,

a time for every activity under heaven.

A time to be born and a time to die.

A time to plant and a time to harvest.

A time to kill and a time to heal.

A time to tear down and a time to build up.

A time to cry and a time to laugh.

A time to grieve and a time to dance.

A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones.

A time to embrace and a time to turn away.

A time to search and a time to quit searching.

A time to keep and a time to throw away.

A time to tear and a time to mend.

A time to be quiet and a time to speak.

A time to love and a time to hate.

A time for war and a time for peace.

I'm in a season of transition. Metamorphosis if you will. I feel like a caterpillar who’s breaking out of its cocoon, learning to finally lean its evolutionized nature as a butterfly. This scripture resonates with me deeply. There is a season for EVERYTHING. In reflecting on this scripture and the current events of my life I find solace in watching the seasons change, both literally and metaphorically. This scripture offers remarkable wisdom for navigating life and relationships. The ability to Perceive the season that you are in is imperative. The correct perspective provides the appropriate tools needed to navigate each season.

Autumn is the season where leaves whither, die and fall away but the trees remain standing. Winter brings about cold winds and snow. The trees are typically bare but still standing. This resonates with me as state of vulnerability and yet the tree still stands. In spring, new leaves replace the old. New fruits spring forth and new flowers bloom. It's such an intricate sequence that spring comes after winter. A blooming newness after a period of isolation and constant storms. In summer all plants are in full bloom, skies are clear and the trees still stand. Each season has its own characteristics. Each season calls for different degrees of preparation and operation. Each season has storms and challenges. It’s a beautiful depiction of the ebbs and flows of life. Specifically referencing trees, no matter the season, THEY STILL STAND. They're still rooted and grounded in the earth. I likened this to us being rooted and grounded in our faith.

Back in 2023 I heard a video clip from a woman name Tiphanie Montgomery. In this video Tiphanie "called out" Christians preparing to purchase tickets to a particular secular artist's concert. Many people, including believers, were outraged by her comments, but I actually felt convicted. In hindsight I'm grateful that she had the courage to speak up. In my opinion biblical conviction is like a heightened moral compass. I was preparing to go to this particular concert even though I knew the meanings of the symbolism and messaging. It was not of God. It is blatant occultism. After a few weeks of sitting with this personal dilemma, I decided not to attend the show. I do believe in spiritual portals and gates. After making the decision not to attend, my spirit felt rejuvenated, and I'd come to the conclusion that I no longer want to be a Lukewarm Christian. I felt a sense of urgency to pick a side. Life or death, good or evil. I chose life. No more straddling the fence.

In prayer, I felt led to create more faith-based content. So, here we are! The journey to this point was not easy or consistent. This point in my life was very similar to the biblical story of Gideon in Judges 6:11-18. In this story God speaks to Gideon calling him by the name of his destiny and not by the name of who and what he was at the time of this encounter. Gideon responded by telling God all the reasons why he was unqualified. God reassures Gideon that He (God) would be with him (Gideon) every step of the way. Another thing I want to point out is, God was calling Gideon to enter into a fixed battle. Isaiah 45:2-3 speaks on how the Lord goes before us to make our crooked paths straight. Although I cannot explain the circumstances of life for everyone, I do believe that some trials come as tests of our faith while simultaneously strengthening our ability to operate in our gifts.

Similar to Gideon, I felt compelled by God to start creating more faith-based content. However, like Gideon, I told God all the reasons why I was unqualified. First, I knew that the teachers of the word would be judged more harshly by God and people. I didn’t want that responsibility. Secondly, I'm still strengthening my walk with the Lord. I still want to curse people out in certain situations. I still enjoy a good party, a good drink, secular music and so on. God said, I never asked you to be perfect, simply be obedient to what I'm asking you to do. Make more faith-based content and be transparent about your journey. So here we are!

Welcome to Beauty x Bloom! A faith-based blog where we dissect biblical concepts and scriptures while applying them to everyday life. This site will also house information and resources for families of autism while promoting self-love and healing. Be sure to check my social media pages Instagram & Facebook @Travishabe and TikTok @beauty_x_bloom for more content! I can't wait to hear from you! I can't wait learn more about your journeys to and with Christ. If you consider yourself a nonbeliever, I want to hear from you too. Be sure to keep your comments respectful. This is a safe space. I believe in the power of prayer and fasting in conjunction with meditating on the word of God. To be clear, I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins, rose from the grave on the third day with all power in His hands. I also believe that He is coming back soon. In a world of mixture, I want to be very clear about where I stand in this season of my life. God bless and keep you. Continue to bloom.

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